Category Archives: 22 Khordad
Iran: The Twitter Devolution
Foreign Policy – Excerpt: But it is time to get Twitter’s role in the events in Iran right. Simply put: There was no Twitter Revolution inside Iran. As Mehdi Yahyanejad, the manager of “Balatarin,” one of the Internet’s most popular … Continue reading
Karroubi’s Latest Interview
“Mr Karroubi, a year has passed since the eventful month of Khordad 1388 (22 May-21 June 2009). Yet this month is considered to be a historic one in Iran: the epic election victory of Mohammad Khatami on 2 Khordad 1376 … Continue reading
Hardliners Close in on Mousavi
Tehran Bureau – Excerpt: “Ahmad Yazdanfar, senior aide and advisor to Mir Hossein Mousavi and head of the team of bodyguards that protects him, has been arrested by the Islamic Republic’s security forces. A former officer in the Islamic Revolutionary … Continue reading
The Green Movement’s Slogans
There are some slogans with which I can identify and there are others that I think are either politically immature or underdeveloped, but one slogan from the recent protests at Shahid Beheshti University really fascinated me. The protesters declared: ما … Continue reading
Setting the record straight on Caspian Makan (Neda’s “fiance”)
I met the journalist, Iason Athanasiadis, when I was a graduate student at Harvard. He was there through a fellowship and sat in in one of my classes a few times. He later gave me a documentary on the Lebanon war (2006) … Continue reading
Helicopter View of 22 Bahman Demonstrators
The number of attendees at the pro-government rallies on Thursday is staggering, STAGGERING, and serves as a wake up call to anyone who thinks that the regime does not have proponents. See the video here.
Iran’s Failed Facebook Revolution
Foreign Policy – Excerpt: “Now, many of the greens are experiencing a sort of idealism hangover. Mohammad Sadeghi, the 27-year old Iranian-German who administers Mousavi’s official Facebook page, admits that he doesn’t know what comes next. He has always managed … Continue reading
“Not all Iranians hate their regime”
The Guardian – Excerpt: “Anyone who has spent time in Iran and the Middle East knows about the hospitality of this region. It’s extremely disrespectful for a host not to offer a guest food or drink. To suggest that free … Continue reading
Trita Parsi on 22 Bahman
Excerpt: “What’s at stake now is not just the survival of the reformists, but the very possibility of Iran’s eventual transition toward a democratic system. By reneging on its promise of justice and political liberties—and by refusing to take part … Continue reading
Revolution Day should be a reminder to everyone…
that Iran is split and that division is fateful. If you look at US media and the commentary amongst the diaspora community, the image that is presented to us is that the government in Iran is an island surrounded by … Continue reading
Stop sensationalizing…
I respect Reza Aslan as a scholar, I really do, but predictions are for amateurs. Anyone who is predicting what may come is simply talking for the sake of talking. There is absolutely no way to predict what’s in store … Continue reading
Revolution Day in Iran
The Press TV footage from all of Iran’s major cities can be seen here. More commentary coming soon (still trying to gather sources on the opposition’s activities…) Excerpt: “‘It’s pretty clear that Greens everywhere will feel demoralised… The overall feeling … Continue reading
Gmail to be ‘Permanently Suspended’ in Iran
WSJ – Excerpt: Iran’s telecommunications agency announced what it described as a permanent suspension of Google Inc.’s email services, saying instead that a national email service for Iranian citizens would soon be rolled out. It wasn’t clear late Wednesday what … Continue reading
Why Iran unrest is not revolution re-run
CNN -Â Excerpt: Karrubi and Moussavi, who both ran against hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, have criticized the government, saying remnants of the “tyranny” and “dictatorship” that prevailed under the shah’s regime persist today. “I think the opposition would like to … Continue reading
Hamid Dabashi: Repressed voices speak out in Iran
CNN: In a recent interview, Mir Hossein Mousavi, the opposition candidate spearheading the Green Movement in Iran, said that early in the momentous revolution of 1979 the majority of Iranians were convinced that dictatorship had ended in Iran. “I was … Continue reading