Category Archives: Flotilla Massacre
Hundreds in Oakland protest Gaza blockade
[This is just a stepping stone… watch and see how activists from around the world begin to mobilize against Israeli interests. The massacre of the Freedom Flotilla was the last straw and I believe that people are just fed up … Continue reading
Flotilla activists “shot 30 times”
So much for Netanyahu’s claim that the assaulting Israeli soldiers used minimal force: al Jazeera - Two men were shot four times, and five of the victims were shot either in the back of the head or in the back, Buyuk told … Continue reading
Anger continues in Turkish street
See the al Jazeera video here.
There’s at least one journalist left in DC willing to do her job…
and that’s Helen Thomas. See her grill the White House spokesperson here.
Gaza Petition – Nearly 400,000 have signed in less than a week: “We call for an immediate, independent investigation into the flotilla assault, full accountability for those responsible, and the lifting of the Gaza blockade.”
Lowkey on the flotilla massacre…
Again, Lowkey, puts it down passionately and effectively. See the video here.
Keith Olbermann and Ed Peck on the flotilla massacre
and they, especially Peck, speak with razor sharp rationale. See the video here.
Ecuador & South Africa also recall their ambassadors to Israel over massacre
Palestine Telegraph: The President Correa said: “The ambassador should leave Tel Aviv immediately, in protest against the attack on the fleet of freedom, which led to the killing and wounding of civilians. Nicaragua decided on Wednesday to freeze the diplomatic … Continue reading
Nicaragua suspends diplomatic ties with Israel
The fall out continues: “The Nicaraguan government Tuesday suspended the country’s diplomatic ties with Israel in protest of the Jewish state’s deadly raid on the Gaza-bound international aid flotilla on Monday… The Nicaraguan government ’emphasized the illegal nature of the … Continue reading
Of course, they were asking for it
Razor Sharp: It’s time the Israeli government’s PR team made the most of its talents, and became available for hire. Then whenever a nutcase marched into a shopping mall in somewhere like Wisconsin and gunned down a selection of passers-by, … Continue reading
‘Our ship turned into lake of blood’
I got my blog up and running again just in time to comment on Israel’s most recent savagery… But before I do, I want to remind the blog’s viewers that this blog though experiencing some technical difficulties at the moment, … Continue reading