Category Archives: iPouya
New Books Network
New Books Network did an episode on my book. Listen here.
Panel on Iran at the University of Chicago’s Pearson Institute Global Forum
We “discussed the possibility of a new nuclear agreement with Iran, the impact of sanctions on Iran, and other topics on October 13, 2021 at The Pearson Global Forum.” Watch the entire panel discussion here.
Skal snakke igjen
Here’s my interview for a Norwegian article on Iran and the US-subverted nuclear deal (must know Norwegian to read).
Book talk at Brandeis University (May 5th)
See the recording of the event here.
Book Talk at Harvard’s CMES
I will be giving a book talk tomorrow, April 6 at 12:00 EST at Harvard’s Center for Middle Eastern Studies. See here for details.
Biden’s vowed US-Iran detente won’t come easy
My quotes at Asia Times: “’Iran is incredibly demonized in the US. Take the statement from Senator Susan Collins who initially thought the siege on the Capitol building was being orchestrated by the Iranians. She’s a prime example of how … Continue reading
Podcast on my book at the Iranian Studies Collective
Podcast on my book at the Iranian Studies Collective.
Biden Easing U.S. Role in Yemen War Raises Prospects of Iran Diplomacy
My quotes in Newsweek:Â “Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Pouya Alimagham, an author and Middle East historian, joined the global calls for action on Yemen. He argued that Washington should press Riyadh and Abu Dhabi to halt the conflict, regardless of the … Continue reading
Judge a book by its cover, but look closely before you do
Cover story–literally the story behind why I chose this cover image for my book, Contesting the Iranian Revolution: The Green Uprisings (published at The Iranian under the title: “Judge a book by its cover, but look closely before you do”). … Continue reading
Book Review: Contesting the Iranian Revolution: The Green Uprisings
Book Review: “Even more remarkable, and as the title of Alimagham’s work clearly reflects, the author aims at understanding how the legacy of the 1978-1979 Iranian Revolution affected the popular protests that emerged three decades later. He convincingly defends the … Continue reading
Book Talk at the Association of Iranian Professionals
See info here.
UCI Book Talk
I’ll be giving a book talk at UCI on Friday, November 20. Check here for info and registration.
Boston University
I’m teaching a course at BU for the first time–and it’s been an amazing experience being with these students under these circumstances. I’m still teaching full-time at MIT, but very much enjoying teaching an additional course at BU–despite the heavy … Continue reading
Interview with Jadaliyya
My interview with Jadaliyya on my book–Excerpt: “While the book is based on my PhD dissertation, it is very much autobiographical—even though I am not directly present in the book. There are a few footnotes that include some relevant family … Continue reading