Category Archives: iPouya
“John Bolton’s book revealed one major truth: Trump needs to fire Mike Pompeo”
My quote in The Independent: “Bolton is gone now. But Pompeo is still Secretary of State and he still wants war and regime change, not diplomacy and negotiation. Pompeo pushed Trump to approve the killing of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, … Continue reading
Contesting the Iranian Revolution: Understanding the Green Movement
Review by Daniel Larison at The American Conservative. Excerpt: “Alimagham has done a fine job of understanding and explaining the ideas and motivations of Green movement activists largely on their own terms and using their own words. It is an … Continue reading
The Journey of an Iranian-American Scholar: An Interview with Dr. Pouya Alimagham
Read here (in-person interview at the end). Excerpt: “An important contribution to the study of Islam, Shiism, contemporary Iranian history and the genealogy of contentious politics in Iran, Alimagham’s book is beneficial to the scholar and the novice in understanding … Continue reading
East is a Podcast: 10 Years after Green w/Pouya Alimagham
Listen here.
“Trump has long promised to get out of endless wars – but his latest Syria move may not achieve that”
My quotes in The Independent: “Pouya Alimagham, a historian of the Middle East at MIT, says that Mr Trump’s framing of the troop withdrawal from Syria is far from reality. ‘Syria was never our war while Afghanistan was, and the … Continue reading
The Transnational Legacy of the Iranian Revolution on its 40th Anniversary
My latest piece in The Fletcher Forum of International Affairs: “The 40th anniversary of the Iranian Revolution is upon us, and supporters and detractors alike are busying themselves with articles that expound their worldviews. What is lost in the cacophony … Continue reading
Georgetown University Talk: “Islam as a Discourse of Resistance in Iran: State Ideology vs Popular Protest in 2009”
Excuse the typos in the flier (I did not create the flier).
Explaining Sectarianism Conference at Tufts University
Association for Iranian Studies Conference at UC Irvine
I have since shortened the title of my presentation to “The Iranian Left’s Latin Roots: Protest and Protest Music.” Click here for the program.
End the Occupation
If I could remove all content from my blog and just have the above header remain, I’d be content with having just that message on my blog as Israel continues to besiege an impoverished and beaten but not defeated people.
Dear Friends, I hope you are all well. There’s much to discuss and I have many updates for you but I’ll try to be brief. For the past 2 weeks I’ve been busy both moving into my new home and … Continue reading
Iran Sanctions Re-visited
I participated in a discussion on Huffington Post Live in which we discussed the ongoing sanctions on Iran. I am preparing an article on the subject but the video will give those interested an idea of what I’ll be addressing … Continue reading
More blog updates…
I’ve updated the “Recommended Reading” section of the blog, along with the “Favorite Films” tab. If you have any ideas for useful tabs, do share.
Blog’s new look
Do you guys like the blog’s new feel? I’ve spent the past couple days working on it and am excited about it, to say the least. The cool thing about this template is that it allows me to change the … Continue reading
The Next Step
I always distress about not being able to blog consistently. Over the last few months this has been especially true. As 3rd year PhD students, we are required to both teach and study for our preliminary exams (some schools refer … Continue reading