Category Archives: iPouya
iPouya’s YouTube Channel
By the way, I’ve totally revamped and organized my YouTube channel. Check it out, there are loads of youtube clips that are both informational and entertaining. You can obtain the link to the channel in the tab at the top … Continue reading
Recommended Reading
So a number of the blog’s viewers have emailed me to inquire about further reading related to the Middle East. In response, I was finally able to set up a recommended reading tab at the top of the blog to … Continue reading
The Weblog is Back!
Since I really don’t have much of a background in website maintenance and html, whenever this weblog runs into technical trouble, it may take a day or two (or a couple weeks in this recent case) for me to get … Continue reading
My apologies for the lack of updates. Please don’t ever think that I’m finished with the blog. I’ve been blogging for more than 5 years now and although there are months I blog more than others, I always update the … Continue reading Major Renovations Complete
I couldn’t be more excited about the recent changes implemented onto my blog. First, with the help of friends, I updated the entire program running the site, making it much more secure and user friendly. Then I cleaned up much … Continue reading
Blog Updates
Dear Readers, I’m in the process of securing my weblog. If in the process google puts up a warning page, then know that the efforts are ongoing. Nevertheless, regardless of the time it takes, the blog will is a long … Continue reading
Up and Running Again
My blog is up and running again, thankfully. My father spearheaded the campaign to restore the site, so big thanx to him! When we got the site up without all the posts, I began to freak out. This site is … Continue reading
Sometimes it’s better said written…
I know I usually post political stuff here but I wanted to take this time to openly acknowledge two people in my life, my parents. I hate it when people start tributes with “I don’t have the words” because I … Continue reading
New Banner
Do you guys like the blog’s new banner? I love it! You have no idea how long it takes to search through albums to find the right photos and edit them. But I’m happy about the end result for now. … Continue reading
The iPouya Weblog Updates
There are some updates and changes related to the blog that I wanted to bring to your attention. First, the blog is approaching its four-year anniversary, so I wanted to recap a bit. I started the blog first on … Continue reading
Along with so many changes going on in my life, here is my new blog. It’s a tad bit more professional and a whole lot cleaner, user friendly, and custom. Needless to say, I’m excited. The blog still has some … Continue reading