Category Archives: Iranian Revolution
Helicopter View of 22 Bahman Demonstrators
The number of attendees at the pro-government rallies on Thursday is staggering, STAGGERING, and serves as a wake up call to anyone who thinks that the regime does not have proponents. See the video here.
Revolution Day in Iran
The Press TV footage from all of Iran’s major cities can be seen here. More commentary coming soon (still trying to gather sources on the opposition’s activities…) Excerpt: “‘It’s pretty clear that Greens everywhere will feel demoralised… The overall feeling … Continue reading
Scrapbook Image 1978-79
Tehran Bureau – Amazing…
Kaveh Golestan: “Photographing the Revolution”
I have a lot of respect for him. He was a photographer who always put himself in harms way to get the photo. He was one of the first to break the story of the Halabja massacre in N. Iraq. … Continue reading
The 30th Anniversary of the Iranian Revolution (VIDEO)
Regardless of what we may think about the revolution and its aftermath, there is no disputing the impact it has had not only on the history of the region but on world history. And as someone who aspires to be … Continue reading
The Iranian Revolution at 30 (A Photo Essay)
See the Time photo essay here.
The Iranian Revolution at 30
“The year 1979 was among the most tumultuous, and important, in the history of the modern Middle East. The Middle East Institute will mark the 30th anniversary of these events in 2009 by launching a year-long special series of our … Continue reading
Video Project: “Shi’ism: From Defeat to Defiance”
This past semester I enrolled in Professor Harvey Cox’s “Fundamentalism in Religion and Politics” course at the Divinity School here at Harvard. For the final, he gave us the option of doing a video project or a final paper. My … Continue reading
Charles Kurzman “The Unthinkable Revolution in Iran”
I just finished reading Charles Kurzman’s The Unthinkable Revolution in Iran. It is much like Stephen Kinzer’s All the Shah’s Men in that the entire book focuses on the unfolding of a major historical event. Kurzman’s book is devoted to … Continue reading