Category Archives: ISIS

“US and Saudi Arabia arms significantly enhanced Isis’ military capabilities, report reveals”

The Independent: “An extensive field investigation into the origins of Isis’ weaponry in Syria and Iraq has found that weapons supplied by the US and Saudi Arabia to the Syrian opposition often ended up in the jihadis’ hands, enhancing the … Continue reading

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“How ISIS Got Weapons From the U.S. and Used Them to Take Iraq and Syria”

Newsweek: “As much as 90 percent of ISIS’s arms and ammunition were found to have originated in Russia, China and Eastern European states. The jihadis were able to obtain much of this arsenal as a result of former President Barack … Continue reading

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8 Reasons Why the US and its Allies Are Responsible for Islamic Extremism

Alternet: When Bill Maher and Sam Harris recently re-ignited the debate over Islamophobia on the left, they defended themselves from charges of racism by invoking the specter of Islamic extremism. In responding to their critics, Muslim-bashers often argue that Islam embodies … Continue reading

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VOA Interview regarding “The Saudi Roots of Today’s Shi’ite-Sunni War”

Here’s a very brief interview regarding my article “The Saudi Roots of Today’s Shi’ite-Sunni War” at Voice of America. Please excuse the accent.

Posted in Iran, Iraq, ISIS, Saudi Arabia, Syria | 1 Comment

The Saudi Roots of Today’s Shi’ite-Sunni War

My latest piece at The Huffington Post: The rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and its fervent anti-Shi’ite worldview has once again sparked the debate about the “age-old” conflict between Shi’ites and Sunnis with countless “experts” … Continue reading

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