Category Archives: Islam
Ramadhan Kareem
I don’t want to pretend like I’m religious when I’m not, but out of respect for my heritage (Islam was one aspect amongst many of my upbringing) and for friends that are observing this holy month, Ramadhan kareem. Enjoy the blog’s header. … Continue reading
Ashura in Karbala and south Beirut
Ashura was last week and I didn’t get a chance to post it. Here’s to never being too late… a video of Ashura in Karbala, and a video of Sayyid Hassan at a Ashura rally in south Beirut.
Qur’ans burned on 9/11 despite canceled event
After introducing the idea and championing it for months, Terry Jones abandoned it a couple days before the 9th anniversary of 9/11. Others, however, took it upon themselves to set the Qur’an on fire without Terry Jones. See the video … Continue reading
Rima Fakih, Muslim women, and how Americans see them only through the prism of what they wear…
Newsweek – Excerpt: “Burqas in European headlines, bikinis in American ones: which one tells you more about the aspirations of Muslim women? One appears to be primitive and repressed, the other modern, cosmopolitan, and liberated. But the answer is not … Continue reading
Is The Bible More Violent Than The Quran?
NPR – Excerpt: “‘Much to my surprise, the Islamic scriptures in the Quran were actually far less bloody and less violent than those in the Bible,’ Jenkins says. Jenkins is a professor at Penn State University and author of two … Continue reading
How Some Treat Muslims in America
See the video here. There are somethings in the video that are highly disturbing while others are very decent and hopeful. Let me know what you guys think.
The “Islamic Republic” of France???
You must view this anti-Islam Christian propaganda video. It basically argues that Christendom is falling behind Islam in terms of birthrate, and that Islam is taking over the world because Muslim immigration to the US, Canada, and Europe is increasing. … Continue reading
Documentary: “Pilgrimage to Karbala”
This is for the blog’s archives.
Video Project: “Shi’ism: From Defeat to Defiance”
This past semester I enrolled in Professor Harvey Cox’s “Fundamentalism in Religion and Politics” course at the Divinity School here at Harvard. For the final, he gave us the option of doing a video project or a final paper. My … Continue reading