Category Archives: Tunisia
Video: Tunisians Marked One-Year Anniversary of the Revolution
Tunisia, where it all started… see the video here.
Must read: Arab revolts – Past and Present
al-Jazeera: The current popular challenges to the Western-sponsored Arab dictatorships are hardly a new occurrence in modern Arab history. We have seen such uprisings against European colonialism in the region since its advent in Algeria in 1830 and in Egypt … Continue reading
Israel, Tunisia spar over Jewish immigration
Israel does not represent world Jewry and not all Jews have an overriding allegiance to Israel – AFP: Israeli and Tunisian diplomats were locked in a war of words on Tuesday over Jewish immigration after Israel said it was upping … Continue reading
The mother of Bouazizi speaks in solidarity with the Libyan people
The mother of Muhammad Bouazizi speaks in solidarity with the Libyan people here.
What Egypt & Tunisia Tell us About Iran
My article on Juan Cole’s Informed Comment: There has been much debate about whether the recent revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt, especially in the latter, will produce a system resembling that of the Islamic Republic in Iran, which was born … Continue reading
How Tunisia Gave Life to the Arab Regimes’ Worst Nightmare
You can just picture it now, the Saudi king Abdullah smacking ousted Tunisian president Ben Ali beside the head for succumbing to the Tunisian revolt. He would have preferred him to stay put no matter what. The Arab regimes’ have … Continue reading
Bani Sadr: “What I Leared From Iran’s Failed Revolution”
NY Times: By removing a despot who was the main obstacle to democracy, the Tunisian revolt has immense importance for the Arab and Islamic world. Above all, it has opened up a future that, due to the iron grip of … Continue reading
From Suicide to Liberation: Tunisia Yesterday, Egypt Tomorrow
It’s hard to blog about what’s happening in North Africa and the Middle East because it’s hard to write without offering predictions. I hate giving predictions. It’s amateur hour when people spew predictions about any part of the world, especially … Continue reading
The Tunisian Effect: Cairo in ‘Day of Revolt’ and elsewhere
Cairo on January 25: See the video here. Jordan on January 24: See the video here. Yemen on January 23: Read about it here. Algiers on January 22: See the video here.
Mohamed Bouazizi’s suicide sparked the Tunisia Revolution
Remember his name. See the video (not of the suicide but of the story of his suicide).
The Tunisian Revolution: An Exemplar for Action
[Picture is from Tunisia, but you gotta love the Palestinian flag hanging from the balcony.] Algeria: A man has died after setting himself on fire at a government building in Algeria, state media has reported, echoing the self-immolation that triggered the … Continue reading
Ben Ali’s 1979 Playbook It’s hard to envy the position Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali was in these last few weeks: There just aren’t many good answers available to despots who are faced with popular uprisings. Still, he should have known better than to … Continue reading
The New Dawn in Tunisia
Started with one man, Muhammad Bouazizi. See the video here. Let the remaining Arab dictators tremble in their palaces.
Tunisia and the American Double-standard
More Tunisians have died in just a few weeks of protesting their dictatorship than Iranians in the entire post-election turmoil, in ’09 yet, American media and the Republican Party were falling over themselves to cover the crisis and condemn human … Continue reading