Al-Jazeera’s live feed shows demonstrators in Benghazi, the capital of the rebellion, celebrating right now. Some have even hoisted France’s flag – the country that spearheaded the campaign in collusion with the Arab league – at the UN. It has been reported, on the other hand, that Qaddafi has soiled his pants upon hearing the news that UN resolution 1973 in favor of a no-fly zone passed. He’s requesting that the pending strikes avoid bombing the local diaper-making factory because he’s going to need them for the coming days.
No but really, all joking aside, the coming days are going to be bloody, but as long as the rebels can survive until the no-fly zone is enforced, then it’s likely they will march on Tripoli eventually in the same fashion that the Northern Alliance did in Afghanistan after Nato bombed Taliban strongholds. Am I getting ahead of myself? Maybe, but before the resolution passed, Qaddafi had pledged to take Benghazi in the coming days swearing to show no mercy. Perhaps the thought of him not being able to fulfill such a horrifying promise prompts me getting ahead of myself a bit. To think that not only will he be disallowed from bombarding Libya’s 2nd largest city but also that the rebellion may turn the tide in its favor once again, has me more than hopeful.
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