Guest Appearances

Lectures, Panel Discussions, & Presentations

  1. “Campus Solidarity: American Universities Rally Against Genocide in Gaza”–Arab Organisation for Human Rights in UK (5.7.24)
  2. “Hamas, Israel, and the Palestinian Authority: Historical Reflections”–MIT History (5.1.24)
  3. “A Look to Iran and Afghanistan on International Women’s Day”–Liberal International British Group (3.8.23)
  4. “Iran and the Struggle for ‘Normalcy’: Woman, Life, Freedom”–Center for International Studies, MIT (1.25.23)
  5. “The Hijab as Contested Political Site in Iran and in France”–Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies, Indiana University (11.11.22)
  6. “Othering Iran and Iranians”–Twitter Spaces (2.11.22)
  7. “Information in Conflict: Case Study | Iran”–Pearson Institute Global Forum, University of Chicago (10.13.21)
  8. “On the Brink: U.S.-Iran Relations”–Tufts Middle East Research Group, Tufts University (2.26.20)
  9. “Two Peoples, One Struggle: Palestinian Liberation and Iran’s Green Uprising”–Middle East Studies Association Annual Conference (11.16.19)
  10. “The Limits of Empowerment: Women, Gender, and Revolution in Iran’s Green Uprising”–Women and Gender Studies Intellectual Forum, MIT (9.25.19)
  11. “Exploiting Iran’s Shi’ite Achilles Heal: Saudi Arabia’s Sectarian Response to Iran’s Islamic Revolution”–Conference on “Explaining Sectarianism: Community, Competition and Conflict, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University (10.6.19)
  12. “Islam as a Discourse of Resistance in Iran: State Ideology vs Popular Protest in Iran”–Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, Georgetown University (10.3.18)
  13. “The Latin Roots in Iranian Protest Music”–Association for Iranian Studies Conference, UC Irvine (8.15.18)
  14. “Democracy in Iran”–Watertown Free Public Library (3.13.18)
  15. “The Genealogy of Protest: The Green Uprising and Iran Today”–The Fares Center, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University (2.5.18)

Media Apperances:

  1. “Universities Against War”–AlJazeera (5.1.24)
  2. “Special Conversation with Pouya Alimagham”–BBC Persian (12.19.23)
  3. “Iran protest crackdown: Two reporters could face death penalty over Mahsa Amini story”–France 24 (6.1.23)
  4. “The civil uprising: ‘The gov’t hasn’t done anything to address the issues raised by the protesters”–France 24 (1.17.23)
  5. “Iran executions”–BBC World News (1.7.23)
  6. “Call it a Revolution? Iran protest movement defies growing brutality”–France 24 (11.22.22)
  7. “Iran’s youth rise up: Can women’s rights movement lead to change?”–France 24 (10.6.22)
  8. The Future of Women’s Rights in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan–VOA Deewa (8.22.21)
  9. “US versus Iran: Tension over the airwaves”–AlJazeera’s Listening Post (1.11.20)
  10. “The Saudi Roots of Today’s Shi’ite-Sunni War”–Voice of America (6.25.14)


  1. “Liberating Iran featuring Pouya Alimagham”–Black Diplomats (8.12.23)
  2. “Iran-Saudi Detente & Iran Protests”–Latitude Adjustment (4.12.23)
  3. “The Iranian Revolution: The Fall of the Shah and the Rise of Khomeini”– (1.4.23)
  4. “Iranian Women-led Resistance Independent of Western Imperalism”– (12.27.22)
  5. “The Iran Protests”–American Prestige (11.8.22)
  6. “The Iran Protests in Context”–Latitude Adjustment (10.26.22)
  7. “Understanding Modern Iran”–American Prestige (8.23.22)
  8. “Iran Deal Talks Amidst the Ukraine Crisis”–Parallax Views (3.26.22)
  9. “The Triumph of the Green Wave”–Roqe Media (2.3.22)
  10. “On Iranian History, Middle Eastern Politics, and American Imperialism”–Varn Vlog (10.11.21)
  11. “Ten Years after Green w/Pouya Alimagham”–East is a Podcast (3.31.20)
  12. “Iran and U.S. Conflict and Political Turmoil”–Nomadland (1.13.20)
  13. “Covering Iran, Badly”–East is a Podcast (7.26.19)
  14. “US-Iran Crisis”–Jacobin Radio (6.25.19)
  15. “Iran + The Middle East + Religion”–Nomadland (10.26.17)

Radio Talks:

  1. “U.S. vs. Iran”–NightSide with Dan Rea (11.28.22)
  2. Friday Night Talk–Redwood Community Radio (KUMD) (1.24.20)
  3. “Why is the World Crumbling?”–Found in Translation (1.9.20)
  4. “Sec Pompeo and the ‘Normal Nation’ Standard”–KIRN 670 AM Politics & Society with Reza Goharzad (7.7.19)
  5. “On the Muslim Ban”–KIRN 670 AM Politics & Society with Reza Goharzad (1.29.17)
  6. “US-Iran Crisis”–KPFK Public Radio, Beneath the Surface with Suzi Weissman (podcasted by Jacobin Radio) (6.23.19)