I couldn’t be more excited about the recent changes implemented onto my blog. First, with the help of friends, I updated the entire program running the site, making it much more secure and user friendly. Then I cleaned up much of the blog’s links, spammed comments, and categories. Lastly, I searched long and hard to find a cleaner more sophisticated template, which is the most exciting part about the new changes.
The new template allows for tabs at the top, which now includes my youtube channel, a tag cloud on the top right of the sidebar (a tag cloud is another way to search through the blog), a drop menu for post categories, which is good because it organizes the sidebar more effectively, and provides links to my facebook and twitter accounts at the top of the sidebar (so “follow me” on twitter!). I even changed the counter at the bottom of the sidebar opting for a more enjoyable design!
Most importantly, blogging is fun again. I will be blogging much more frequently now. And should the blog run into problems again, be informed that I will jump on it immediately.
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