In case you’re wondering, this is a disaster for US-Israeli policy of isolating Iran and a major triumph for Iran. AlMasry AlYoum: Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi has invited his Egyptian counterpart, Nabil al-Arabi, to visit Tehran to improve relations between the two countries. News of the invitation was given in a statement from Egyptian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Menha Bakhoum on Monday.
Bakhoum also said that al-Arabi had met with the Iranian consul in Cairo, Mojtaba Amani, who handed him a message from Salehi. In the message, Salehi expressed his appreciation for al-Arabi’s recent statements on relations with Iran, and called for an examination of ways to develop relations through exchanging visits.
Al-Arabi said recently that Egypt has turned a new page in its relations with all the countries of the world, including Iran, and that the Egyptian and Iranian people deserve relations that reflect their history and civilization, provided they are based on mutual respect for national sovereignty and absolute non-interference in internal affairs.