Ha’aretz: However, Israel is not coming to the discussion with clean hands. Its prestate undergrounds – Hashomer, Haganah, Etzel (the Irgun ) and Lehi (the Stern Gang ) – which operated against the British government and the Arabs in Palestine, used similar tactics, as shown in a new book by Rephael Kitron, “Eretz Yisrael Hanisteret: Sippuram Shel Ha’slikim Ve’toldotehem” (“The Hidden Land of Israel: The Story and History of the Secret Weapons Caches” ). Kitron retired from the defense establishment, having left his official service in 1999, and he asked that his past organizational affiliation not be revealed. His book is based on research for his doctorate under Prof. Shimon Dar in Land of Israel Studies and Archaeology at Bar-Ilan University.