There are some updates and changes related to the blog that I wanted to bring to your attention. First, the blog is approaching its four-year anniversary, so I wanted to recap a bit.
I started the blog first on blogger.com with the url ipouya.blogspot.com in April, 2005. Two years later I was encouraged by one of my friends to go “pro” and he helped me set it up in a more customized fashion with its own server and url. The blog has amassed nearly 120,000 hits and has an international viewership, especially in regions where English is common (see the cluster map above). On days when there is important breaking news related to material covered here, there’s a spike in viewership. For instance, viewership increased dramatically when the Israeli aggression occured in Gaza in Dec/Jan. Otherwise, the blog averages 75-100 hits per day.
When I first started the blog, I included a lot more commentary and I feel like the blog was more interesting then. Now, since I don’t have as much time, I usually just post articles and video clips. Although I will continue to post articles from others (most people have more interesting things to say than me), I will go back to the “roots” of the blog and try to incorporate more commentary. I am also in the process of giving the blog a slight face lift so stay tuned. Anyway, thanx for making the blog what it is and I hope you will continue to journey with me in the exchange of ideas. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, I’ve learned a lot from the blog’s viewers and I am hopeful that this endeavor will continue to be mutually enriching.
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