Category Archives: Elections ’08
McCain Exposed Part 1
See the embarrassing video that has accumulated over 5 million hits here. Enjoy, I know I did.
Palin on the Bush Doctrine… and Matt Damon on Palin
When she speaks… Obama supporters smile. See what I mean here. And Matt Damon clowns Palin here. Enjoy.
Register to Vote
Time is running out to register to vote in the November 4th presidential elections so do so now here. It’s really quick and easy, I just did it.
McCain heckled… again.
Here we have Bush III (aka John McCain) getting punked really badly. Enjoy the delicious video here.
…has won the Democratic Party’s nomination! It was no easy task beating not just Hillary but the entire Clinton Machine but he did. Congratulations America! Here is a clip from his amazing victory speech in St. Paul. Â
Michael Moore Endorses Obama
I’m not going to lie, Michael Moore endorsing Obama’s candidacy greatly legitimizes his campaign even further in my book. Michael Moore has so much credibility in my eyes that any endorsement from him is as good as gold. See his … Continue reading
Hilary’s Experience
Hilary’s battle-tested experience. What a fraud.
McCain vs. Obama
Please oh please compare this McCain speech with the one by Obama 3 posts down. McCain is such a tool.
Obama on Race in America
I don’t know about you, but I find it truly amazing to see a politician speaking so honestly, openly, and accurately. See the video here.
Obama’s detractors have reached a new low…
His detractors, Democrat and Republican alike, first attacked him by calling him a Muslim, as if that was a bad thing, now Hilary’s campaign is circulating an image of him wearing traditional Kenyan clothes which he donned when he visited … Continue reading
“We want change”
I don’t want to be perceived as legitimizing this two-party regime, but I must say, Obama is exciting.
Guiliani Calls It Quits
What a relief and Edwards did the same! Now if only the rest of the front runners, Republican and Democrat alike, would follow suit. Although I must say, out of all the front runners, I dislike Obama the least. Too … Continue reading
Presidential Candidate Positions on US-Iran Relations
Compliments of NIAC. And here’s a list of which candidates Hollywood celebs support.